Wednesday, February 4, 2009

John turns 3!

Last Saturday we headed south to celebrate John's 3rd birthday.  The whole family was there, so we had a great time visiting and eating backhoe cake.  We also had Nana's birthday lunch. Here's the photo-documentary of the events: 
Backhoe cake
John and Aunt Bec discussing when John's friends were going to arrive.
Foreman Jay
Big excitement over singing and 3 candles!
Looking left and right to make sure everyone is singing
Blowing out the candles, then enjoying cake and ice cream with Uncle B.
Hannah eyeing the cake (she's takes after her mommy)
Mark showing where his tongue is and doing a snuffle face for the camera.
Lunch with Uncle Scott (who feeds a little slower than Mark would have liked.)
John loves Hannah and wanted to help her play with the matchbox cars.
Riding together on the John Deere scooter.  John decided that H was too big for him to hold.

The family.  And, yes, we realize that not everyone is looking at the camera.  However, this is the shot in which most people are facing the camera even if they aren't actually smiling.

This week is relatively quiet for us, mostly school and work.  It's very cold, too.  Hopefully it will warm up by the weekend so we can enjoy some time outside.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That must have been one cool party!