Sunday, November 29, 2009


We hosted Thanksgiving at our home this year. It was cozy, but fun. We had a wonderful time seeing everyone.

The feast

Who let the crazy dude hold the baby?

Aunt Kelly meeting Baby S

Me, snuggling Baby S

Grandparents with the kids. Check out J's face...too funny.
Two kids smiling. That's better than the labor day group shot that ended in tears.
Two kids smiling here, but a different two
M and the "useless" cookie. I like how Nick is waiting to clean him up. He doesn't even live with kids, but he knows they are full of food.
J holding Baby S.
Uncle D and J sharing M&M's
I thought I had a picture of H and Kermit, but I guess I was taking pics on someone else's camera. Can someone email me a copy?

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