the night before Christmas

bonding over stocking loot

king of drool (notice the drop in mid-air...cool, yes?)


help with opening presents

Dr. J shoots and scores

getting all dressed up for the hospital

Uncle D's sexy undies

helping Nana make birthday cake

the birthday girls

Snuffle-face in the johnny-jump-up
And, as special treat, I give you a sneak peek at the Vogue series by Betsy and David. Enjoy.

We wish you all a happy and blessed 2009.
really, bec, you could be a dear and take down those last 2!
You "borrowed" the camera without permission, you pay the consequences!
I think it's hysterical.
I do have to say that you have the most adorable nephews in the world. The rocking horse pic is fabulous! I might need a copy of that one...and maybe a few of the dr ones too.
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