Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just a few

Over the last week or so we've gotten our Christmas tree, decorated, and had the dogs take 2 hrs to pose with Bec in front of the tree.  Lastly, Betsy brought the boys for the night, on Wed night.  I had plenty of kid time and time outs to last me a while.  Plus Betsy suckered me into seeing the result of Mark pushing and pushing and getting red faced while eating dinner.  Just a big solid poo.  Oh, we have ~1.5 inches of heavy wet snow on the ground!!  Most we've seen in the almost 3 yrs I've been here.  GOOD snowball snow.  We also got 5.3 inches of rain in the last 3 days.  Good thing I have a rain gauge!

Local tree farm that stinks compared to the Kinsey Family Farm in GA.  Oh well.  Local and cheap(ish).

Chessie likes to sleep on Bec's chest.

Chess helping Bec study.

It really took about 15 min for the dogs to get in a semi-pose.  Goldie (who is getting brave and being in the same room as me) always faced forward, while Nick tried to sit on Bec and always was facing me rear end first.  Uh!

John and his new Mexican toucan "Sam."  Mark got a pink flamingo, straight from Mexico (not pictured).

Mark in the morning.

I have no clue why Mark is upset.  It had nothing to do with me, really.  He was just hungry and had a full load.  He was generally a very good boy for me.

830am nap.  Mark and I were reading cycling stuff on the internet and he plopped to sleep while we were bouncing.  It was his nap time anyway.  What a sweet boy he is!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Scott, I think it is clear that Mark didn't find the cycling reading all that interesting.