David enjoying the triathlon/making fun of the goofy clothes, hairy backs (not mine), and the funny looking people at the race.

Bec trying to stay away from the funk of Scott after the race. Yes, I would have been faster if I shaved the rug on my chest.
Saturday was my first tri of the year. I didn't think I'd even get there with allergies turned sinus infection and I was cranky all week (as Bec). I felt awful Thursday night and took Friday off. I felt ok at 4am on race day and decided to go. The Heatwave Triathlon was in Jackson, MS and the distances were:
0.5 mi swim
24.5 mi bike
6.2 mi run
I felt awful warming up (hacking and wanting to throw up). I paid already, so I figured I'd just take the swim easy and see how it goes. I started on the outside of the wave start (taking the scenic route a little) and ended up feeling good and out of 48 in my age group (30-34 male) I had the 7th fastest swim. And I didn't try!!! I was out of the water in 14:00, ahead of my goal time. I took a slow transition to the bike and was a little dizzy (usual after a race swim) and took off. The bike was a mile longer then they told us (turn around was apparently not measured and randomly put out). I avg'd 22.3 mph, which was over my goal of 21 mph. I did get sucked into a group of riders and we all got 2 min drafting penalties. I won't complain about it, but it was crap. I didn't ride really hard because I needed to save energy for the 6 mi run, but I definitely could have given more on the bike. Wish I had. The run was basically slightly uphill for the first 3 miles. Sucked. But then we turned around and ran downhill for 2 miles with the last 40 meters being the steepest uphill all day. I ran 7:48 miles or something (my race times changed so I don't know exactly what I did).
Goal time: 2:18
Done: 2:12:54 (plus the 2 minute penalty)
20th in my age group before penalty, 25th after penalty.
I was tired, but satisfied with my first tri of the year. Especially since I was sick and didn't fuel and hydrate properly.
1 comment:
dang, is that a new type of carpet or your chest?
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