In the end, we got 3-4 inches of snow (lowest total in middle TN), but it is topped with a quarter to half inch of ice.
I (Scott) took some artsy shots and we both took shots of the dogs and poopsicles (one half eaten by Goldie, not pictured here). Bec then participated in the first Smyrna Winter Olympics and I played photojournalist extraordinaire.
We'll start with some inside pics:

Bec and the cats.

Gypsy is using someone's birthday present for a nap. Our nephew will get this eventually.
Artsy stuff:

It is very hard to get a picture in our yard without a fence, house, or powerline prominently in the view. I got crafty (or lucky).

Tried for the blurred background, but I lent my good lens to a friend.

Note chunk of ice in Goldies mouth. She loves picking up ice and eating it.
Bec and our monster leland cypress (only 3 growing seasons!!). The ones in the backyard are stunted since they get pee'd on all the time.
Sunday morning snow. The driveway is one sheet of ice. The burning bush by the powerpole is gone. The local electric company came and cut it down last week. At least they didn't cut the big maple down in the front yard (they barely trimmed it). They did do some serious cutting of trees in the area and we got lucky. Our neighbor lost 9 trees, some 60 yrs old! We saw them just after they got home and found trees cut down all over their yard.
Downhill skiing.
Cross country skiing.
Yes, this is luge.
Ice skating
Figure skating. She nailed the landing too. Perfect 6.0 across the board, well from the one scorer
Maybe next time we'll invite competition:)
Maybe next time we'll invite competition:)
Post Olympics, I sat in the carport for an hour or so and took pictures of the birds. They were pretty brave, probably because they were cold and hungry.