Gypsy doing what she does best, sleep.
So we haven't updated in a while. Same story, not much going on, been lazy, nothing to show. Blah blah. Well I have taken a bunch of days off and done a lot of those little things Bec has been telling me to do for about a year. I also did some fun stuff, like birdwatching. I forgot how much fun it can be! It's my job and I never do it.
Anyway, I did things like change out the "almond" electrical outlets in the utility room with white ones that I've had since December so they match the switch plates. I put up gutter on the garage so we don't get wet when it rains. I fixed the stupid gutter on the back porch so things aren't growing in it and I capped one end and fixed the downspout on the other end. I also built a compost bin for Bec on Saturday. I built a robin nesting platform and a bat box (using some wood left over from building bluebird boxes for my undergraduate thesis some 11 yrs ago). Plus I was able to mow my new grass finally!!! This is the grass that replaced that stupid gravel path in the backyard.
Nice gutter along the garage. It ain't pretty, but it works.
Pretty 3'x3' compost bin, now with food and grass clippings.
My new grass!! I hate grass, but it is nice to not have that stupid walkway!
Last weekend we were in Memphis with Brian and Kelly for the Derby party. We ended up winning $8 total, even though I was the bookie and held the cash. Straight up winnings, but I bet on the horse that won while Bec bet on the horse that died. The picture is of my favorite part of the party, the drinks!! Ok, that's not true, the drinks were awesome Brian, but the company was the best. If you haven't seen their house since the kitchen was redone and painting happened, you need to. It is really wonderful.
Some new bird pictures start here. Just clicj "next" to see more. Some pictures are of fairly rare birds in middle Tennessee.
Until next time....